Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Alternatives to Detention

Lifeline’s newest youth program, Alternatives to Detention, is designed to work 1:1 with families when kids are arrested, to keep kids out of juvenile hall and get them back on the path to success. Lifeline provides intensive case management for kids and their families during this incredibly difficult time, when extra support makes a huge difference. Sometimes, kids and their parents need to ‘cool off’ … a few days to a couple weeks out of the home can help the families mend and become a family unit again.

This is where Cool Beds come in to play.

Cool Bed foster parents receive comprehensive assistance, training, and stipends to support the youth during this critical period.

Many times, the ‘cooling off’ period is incarceration. Kids are locked up. Lifeline offers a critical alternative by providing a safe, temporary, foster home for 1 to 14 days. This option keeps kids out of lock up. Research shows that detaining juveniles has lasting, negative consequences for youth and society as a whole. Kids who have been detained are less likely to complete high-school and are more likely to be arrested.

Yet, when youth need this ‘cooling off’ period, that is exactly what happens, they become incarcerated.

Recognizing the importance of providing alternatives to detaining youth, Lifeline has partnered with multiple San Diego County organizations and with Juvenile Probation to provide the Alternatives to Detention program.

Now, we need your help.

Lifeline is recruiting Foster Families who are willing to foster a youth for a period of 1 day to 2 weeks until they can be returned to their families. During this time, Lifeline provides individual guidance and support for Foster Families. Lifeline’s Case Managers and Therapists are providing wraparound services for the youth and families including transportation to and from school, vocational training, parenting workshops, therapy and crisis management.

These incredible kids need host parents to provide a safe, caring cool bed as an alternative to being placed in Juvenile Hall detention.

Right now, the closest cool bed is in the City of San Diego. Can you help?

Our partner organization, San Diego Youth Services, provides Foster Care Training and Certification for families who are interested in providing this much needed service to the youth of our North County communities. For information and to ask the many questions you will likely have, please contact Debbie Shriver at Lifeline: (760) 842-6203 or

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